Fireproof Ht800 tarpaulin protects machinery when welding
Please contact us immediately to receive the fastest price quote and the latest fireproof tarpaulin model Ht800 completely FREE from the company via hotline: 0936.030.079 - 090.636.1039
Fire-resistant glass tarpaulin is made from thin and smooth glass fibers, creating a soft product that is easy to roll and fold. HT800 is durable and heat resistant for a long time. HT800 tarpaulin brings safety to each project.
Fireproof Ht800
Application of HT800 fireproof tarpaulin.
  • We can list some main applications of fireproof glass fabric ht800 such as
  • Shield sparks, welding slag, dust during welding... from flammable materials such as goods and supplies, protect surrounding machinery and wall surfaces from being scorched.
  • HT800 fiberglass fabric is used as curtains and fireproof blankets in shopping centers, supermarkets, schools, hospitals and entertainment facilities when repairing, constructing, welding and cutting.
  • With a compact structure and the ability to withstand high temperatures, HT800 fireproof glass fabric is commonly used in shipbuilding repair and petrochemical industries.
  • Learning about ht800 glass fabric helps save materials and costs, improving material performance. Product brands